Who God is, has been described in different terms since people started asking faith based questions. God has been called a great many things such as “Allah,” “Zeus,” “Akua,” and “Father” to just name a couple. But who is He really? And, am I limiting God by defining Him as a he? But most of all, I have to remember that God is more than a who, but an experience; a what. Like many people before me, I too have an explanation for who and what God is. He is the love, hope and everything that is good in the world.
God is a parental figure. His love is unconditional and I know it will never fade. He may be disappointed at times and the consequences of my actions will be dealt with by His hand. When visualizing “God the father,” I envision a child being disciplined by their dad, the hand might be firm when it hits their backside, but the hug at the end will always bring comfort and be filled with love. “God the father” brings comfort to me, not in form of a hug or a shoulder to cry on but in scripture and song. Similar to “God the father,” there is “God the teacher.” He watches, guides and strengths us in all the periods of our lifetime. He guides and provides a textbook (Holy Bible) to read. Much like a teacher guides a student to a book, it would be the students choice to pick it up and actually read it. Similar to when a student reads the Spark Note version of a textbook and barely passing the test, without actually reading the book, there will always be questions left blank. God is the father that comforts and the teacher that will continue to guide throughout one’s life.
God is when you look into a child’s eyes that is newly diagnosed with cancer. The slightest amount of fear is evident but the hope and faith of what tomorrow could bring, shines through their eyes. God is that nightlight in a child’s dark room. While the child is scared, the light will always shine. God is revealed when that same child fails to wake up. God is heartbreak and peace. Heartbreak in the knowing a child is no longer with us, but with heartbreak peace will follow. God must be a loving redeemer, because he forgives us when we walk away from Him. When a child dies the loved ones might scream and curse God, but with a prayer seeking forgiveness, it will be provided. God is a redeemer, forgiver and provider.
God is the ultimate judge, therefore leaving myself unqualified to judge other people without pointing a finger back at myself. God is the ear, that will always listen. Even when all I wish to do is hear my own voice. God is the demanding challenger, for I know, He demands only the best from me. And even at my worst he will be gracious enough to forgive me. God is living in faith that every day can be a better day. God is witnessing two old lovers kiss. God is that little piece of silence in a city filled with noise. God is shown with the kindness of a person feeding the homeless.
Honestly, God could be found in every little thing in this world. Not just the beautiful/good things but the truly ugly/bad things too. Because without ugly/bad how could one determine what was good. Who is God? God is not one thing, but in everything.
November 04, 2010
March 27, 2010
Live.Laugh.Love.Breathe Easier Eva.

I just found out Eva Markvoort (65_RedRoses) died at 9:30 this morning. She was a remarkable young woman who had CF (Cystic Fibrosis). She truly left a legacy behind filled with more love then people who live for 50 years, and she was only in her 20's! If you do not know about Eva you really should take the time to search 65redroses on the internet and read her blog.

Breathe Easier Eva.
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