Dear Dad,
From the beginning you have always been there for me, at times even when I wished you weren’t. I know you are having a hard time letting me go, and it shows me how much you really love me, and at times I know I will run right back to you asking for help and guidance. All I ask is that you give me a little room, but to always have the door unlocked so I can sneak back into the house for something edible.
One of the things I have always enjoyed doing with you was our “big bed time.” I remember always crawling into the big bed for our hugs and watching our shows together. I remember the Scooby Doo in the mornings while you got ready for work in the Gilbert house, then the sponge bob during dinners at your house. Those times on the big bed was always about us, we would talk about anything and everything during those long commercials, then laugh during the show.

I remember how you went to everyone of our dance and orchestra recitals, even when I knew you only went to see us, because you honestly hated watching everything else. The support you have gave me has been endless, and at times I feel as if I don’t deserve it. You have went places with me, even when I know you really did not wish to go. One of your biggest pet peeves has always asking something of you at the last moment, but as you know I tend to do that a lot. When I called you to ask to take to get my hair done for prom, you were irritated because I didn’t think of your plans, and your right. It is hard to remember that you also have a life, and it doesn’t necessarily revolve around me. Even though at times I swear it does. But even when you had plans you put it all down, and went to get my hair done, all because I asked you too.
You have been by my side through thick and thin, and I know it is the parents job to feed and shelter us, but you have loved us and supported us our whole lives, and for that I love you.
*I wrote this my senior year of high school, and recently found it. Figured I would post it. :)
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