May 29, 2011

Oh My God: Akua Ke Aloha (God Is Love)

Peter Rodger, who is the film maker of Oh My God, is a very courageous man that traveled the globe to ask a question that many have died over- Who is God? This film is packed with facts and beliefs of a large diverse of people.

As a believer of God, I feel like I learned a little about my own faith; by watching how people all over the globe, worship God. Peter Rodger did a marvelous job on capturing people’s cultures and diverse religions in a beautiful and in a significant way that actually draws in an audience.

Father Michael Collins of Italy stated that Catholics believe that everything is beautiful, even things that are made by man are in God’s image, therefore are also beautiful. I found this statement comparable to the Buddhist statement on the beauty of nature and their surroundings.

In between part of the film one man declared that, “All the wars of the world are about religion and land.” I truly believe this man’s statement is one-hundred percent true, with the addition of oil. There would be no other reason for people to die other than fighting for their religion and/or land.

Peter goes on to declare that there are four reasons why people believe in God. One, we have no idea how we got here; therefore God must be the creator. Two, doing good deeds will get you into heaven, so god is a policeman. Three, the fear of death. Only knowing that our bodies wrapped, the rest is speculation, so God gives eternal life. Four, everything is God’s will, therefore God is the scapegoat.

In Kenya, East Africa, a tribe will sacrifice lambs to God. They will eat from the flesh and use the sheep pelt as part of the worship ceremony. One man went on to say that it will often rain after they conclude a sacrificing ceremony. Trying not to be judgmental, I honestly have to say I am thankful that I do not practice a religion that requires sacrificing an animal or another human. For example in Guatemala the Mayas used to participate in human sacrificing. The Mayas would use alters to cut off the heads of willing members of the tribe to be sacrificed. They believed that it was the fast track to the underworld.

The man from the undisclosed location honestly frightened me. Knowing that he had weapons with him during the interview is a little nerve-wracking. When he stated with such seriousness that, the Christians and Jews shall forever go to the hell of fire from the Koran, it is worrisome that people’s interpretations can be so misguided that they would truly kill another human being. The problem of interpretations, and lack of teachings of the Koran is truly terrifying, however it reminded me on how Christians can also misinterpret the Bible and take it to the extremes at time.

The Princess Michael of Kent, in London proclaimed that, “God is goodness, and all goodness comes from God.” I found her testimonial honest and properly the simplest out of many of the people in the film. Her proclamation reminded me of something that is said in my family, “Akua Ke Aloha,” which translates into “God is love.”

One Israeli man proclaimed, “How can you love your neighbor, if you don’t know him? You build walls that only wars can break down by not listening to your neighbors.” This proclamation reminded me on the reason I took World Religions, to learn and understand diverse religions. I want to be able to have a civil conversation with people of a different religion not debating but just the understanding on what their religion consist of.

I really cherished the conclusion where people said “God is love” in various diverse languages. Other than the man from the undisclosed location, almost everyone else stated that God is peace, happiness, goodness, beautiful and love.

  God may be different religions but the love is universal.

May 27, 2011

Dare to Believe

So forget about who was wrong,

Cause I've never been more ready

to turn this page.
If you swear you believe in life,

Embrace forgiveness.

Cause it's all that I'm asking,

Or keep holding out...
                                 - Dare to Believe

Boyce Avenue wrote “Dare to Believe,” and I have totally fallen in love with it. I have been a fan of Boyce Avenue on for awhile now, but when they posted that song…. I needed those words more at that time then any before.

A couple years ago I went on this fantastic vacation, all paid between my grandmother and dad. Went to D.C., visited Gallaudet University (one of my dreams to attend there), Gettysburg and spent time in North Carolina with family. Unfortunately, with miscommunication and anger, my grandmothers and I’s relationship deteriorated on that trip. We’ve both said things we wished we didn’t, and because we are both so stubborn, we let that manifest into something bigger than what it should have ever been.  
And then Boyce Avenue posted a new song called “Daring to Believe.” I remember listening to it once, and thinking it was a nice song. And then I actually paid attention to the lyrics and was wowed!

We been in the dark for way too long,
But when we turn around we see light shine through the haze,
So forget about who was wrong,
'Cause I've never been more ready to turn this page.

If you swear you believe in life,
Embrace forgiveness 'cause it’s all that I’m askin',
Or keep holding out while the innocent die.

 After a couple years of stubbornness on “who was wrong,” and the want for an apology, I became “ready to turn this page.” So I called her. After months of no communication, I just jumped in and started talking about what I’ve been doing since we last spoke. It was awkward, and I never really received an apology, but I forgave her. Will I ever forget what she said to me? No. But forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting.  Our relationship will never be what it once was, but at the end of the day, forgiveness was embraced.

May 06, 2011

Schools Out...for the Summer!

Passed my COM263 (Intercultural Communications) class today.

But even better news:  I will be legible to graduate May of 2012 with my AA (Associates in Arts) ! Pretty stoked about that little piece of news.

After that I can transfer to ASU (Arizona State) for a Communications Major. Then Phoenix College for Deaf Studies/Interpreters Licence. Maybe one day even Gallaudet University (D.C.), which is the only Deaf university in the United States. :)

So now that summer has officially started for myself I plan to enjoy the summer.

Tomorrow, I am heading up to Payson, AZ for my first summer adventure. My family has this amazing cabin up in the area, and a bunch of my cousins, siblings and I are heading up for the weekend to party it up.

On a side note I turn 21 on the 13th. Not really sure if I'm excited about that or not.